November 22, 2020
拒絕成為逃命的大英雄 Refuse to be a hero who flees
啟示錄 Rev 2:26
November 15, 2020
擺脫巴比倫的枷鎖重回錫安 Get rid of the yoke of Babylon and return to Zion
經文:撒迦利亞書Zechariah 2: 5-7
November 08, 2020
今年大選帶來的警訊──逃出巴比倫 The warning from this year's election - flee out of Babylon
耶利米書Jeremiah 50:8
November 01, 2020
你正站在你和你兒女的十字路口上 You are standing at the crossroads of you and your children
詩 33:12 以耶和華為 神的,那國是有福的!他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的!
Ps 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He chose for His inheritance.
October 25, 2020
活出葡萄樹的特色 Live out the characteristics of the vine
約John 15:1-8
一、結果累累 Be fruitful
二、堅韌的生命 Life of perseverance
三、枝子之間彼此緊密連繫 The branches are closely connected to each other
四、枝子與樹幹緊連在一起 The branches are tightly connected to the vine
October 18, 2020
你也可以扭轉環境 You can reverse the circumstance too
經文:馬太福音Matthew 25:21
1. 在神給你的位置上忠心到底 Be faithful to the end at the place God gave you
2. 等候神的時間 Waiting for God’s timing
3. 活出你的卓越 Live out your excellence
October 11, 2020
5781 破除咒詛、領受祝福 Break the curse and receive the blessing
耶利米書Jeremiah 1:12
October 04, 2020
5781住棚節的感恩 Message of Sukkot
經文:利未記Lev 23:33-43
1. 神是照顧我們的神
2. 住棚節又叫做收藏節
3. 身分地位的改變
September 27, 2020
5781贖罪日(Yom Kippur)的提醒 Reminders on The Day of Atonement in 5781
經文:利未記Lev 23:26-32
1. 在神家中,我們是如何彼此餵養的?
In the house of God, how do we feed each other?
2. 我們是否豫備好自己裡面滿有聖靈的生命?
Are we prepared for a life full of the Holy Spirit?
3. 我們是否善用神給的恩賜來熱心參與服事?
Do we make good use of God’s gifts to serve Him?
4. 我們是否善待神的兒女?
Do we treat God’s children well?
September 20, 2020
靈魂必須甦醒的時刻 The moment your soul must wake up
經文:利未記Lev 23:23-25 ; 民數記Num 29:1
1. 重新確認與神的契約 Reconfirm your covenant with God
2. 得著大聲吹角的勝利 Receive the victory in the sound of trumpet blast
3. 宣告耶穌是你生命中的君王 Proclaim that Jesus is the king of your life
September 13, 2020
預備進入新的復興季節 Prepare yourself to enter a new revival season
經文:以西結書Ezekiel 37:1-14
1. 打開你靈裡的眼睛 Open the eyes of your spirit
2. 順服神要你去做的 Obey what God wants you to do
3. 成為親眼見神的人 Become a person who sees God with his own eyes
September 06, 2020
一起享用家中的盛宴 Enjoy a feast at home together
經文:哥林多前書1 Corinthians 11:23-25
1. 盛宴由獻祭與立約開始
The feast begins with sacrifice and covenant
2. 盛宴是因為有主,我們與主合一
The feast is because of the Lord, we are one with the Lord
3. 盛宴是因為有你,我們一家合一
The feast is because of you, our family is one
August 30, 2020
August 23, 2020
把握現今的機會認識神 Seize the present opportunity to know God
August 16, 2020
面對疫情你要做甚麼 What should you do during this epidemic?
1. 你的人生是有使命的
Your life has a mission
2. 明白你是很重要的
Understand how important you are
3. 緊緊跟隨才會真的學到
Follow closely to make you really learn something
4. 聚會中彼此連結以致生命成熟
Connect with each other in the gathering make your life mature
August 09, 2020
在波動不安中明白神的心意 Understand God's will amidst turbulence
經文:以賽亞書Isaiah 6:1-8
要見到坐在寶座上的主 To see the Lord sitting on the throne
要見到不潔的自己 To see my unclean self
要成為貴重的器皿 Be an instrument for God’s noble purposes
August 02, 2020
都是因為這份愛 All because of this love
經文:馬太福音Matthew 26:26
餅、糧食、愛 Bread, food, love
合一、跟主、跟弟兄姐妹 Unity, with the Lord, with brothers and sisters
遞餅、洗腳、服事 Hand bread, wash feet, serve
July 26, 2020
神正在疫情中調整你的生命 God is adjusting your life in the epidemic
詩篇Psalms 91:1-16
July 19, 2020
經文:希伯來書Hebrews 11:1
1. 信心比眼見更容易走出 Believing is easier to step out than seeing
2. 甘願比勉強更容易走出 Willingness is easier to step out than reluctance
3. 堅持比妥協更容易走出 Persistence is easier to step out than compromise
July 12, 2020
成為疫情中的贏家 Be the winner in this outbreak
經文:馬太福音Matthew 7:24-27
July 05, 2020
你是主所深愛的 You are loved by the Lord
路加福音 Luke 22:14-20
June 28, 2020
經文:馬太福音Matthew 14:22-33
用信心認出正在你身邊的神 Recognize the God who is beside you with faith
每一個試驗都是提升自己的機會 Every experiment is an opportunity to improve yourself
誠實的面對你的信仰生活 Face your life of faith honestly
June 21, 2020
經文:詩篇Psalm 34:4
切記平安的神與你同在 Remember that the God of Peace is with you
苦難的背後有著極大的盼望 There is a great hope behind the sufferings
在完全的愛中趕走恐懼 Drive out the fear in perfect love
June 14, 2020
經文:列王紀下2King 13:14-19
真心的離惡單單歸神 Sincerely away from evil and back to God alone
從仰望人變成仰望神 From looking at people to focusing at God
不再馬虎並盡力到底 Stop sloppy and try your best
June 07, 2020
經文:使徒行傳Acts 3:6
影響力與教堂無關Influence has nothing to do with church building
信仰的根本 The root of believe
活出基督的生命 Live the life of Christ
有使命的人生 A life with a mission
May 31, 2020
進入應許中的榮耀Going into the glory of promise
豐盛的物質供應 Abundant supply
超自然啟示的供應 Supernatural revelation
五旬節得著聖靈澆灌的供應Receive the pouring out of the Holy Spirit
五旬節得著神同在的新體驗 Have a new experience of God’s presence
May 24, 2020
讓天上的府庫為你打開 Let the heavenly storehouse be opened for you
1. 你不可能軟弱 You can’t be weak
2. 祝福就在你口中 Blessings are in your mouth
3. 祝福就在你手中 Blessings are in your hands
May 17, 2020
你更新了嗎?Did you update yourself?
1. 積極面對、迎向改變
2. 把握機會、不再拖延
3. 放下表面、從心開始
May 10, 2020
認識你的價值 Know your value
才德婦人的生命 The life of a noble wife
才德婦人的養成 How to be a noble wife
誰是才德的婦人Who is the noble wife
May 03, 2020
利用疫情給生命一個飛躍的機會 Utilize the epidemic to give your life a chance to leap
分出甚麼是最重要的Separate what the most important is
用從神來的眼光看你的環境 See your environment from the eyes of God
用正確的回應來得著美好的結果 Get good results with the correct response
April 26, 2020
五個疫情後讓你重新出發的方法 Five ways to get you started again after the epidemic
1. 用行動代替懶惰 Replace laziness with action
2. 用面對代替藉口 Replace excuses with confront
3. 用順服代替悖逆 Replace disobedience with obedience
4. 用交托代替恐懼Replace fear with trust
5. 用跟隨代替不信 Replace unbelief with follow
April 19, 2020
疫情隔離是重建生命紀律的最佳時機 Outbreak isolation is the best time to rebuild life discipline
經文:使徒行傳Acts 6:1-6
April 12, 2020
經歷以馬忤斯復活的大能 Experiencing the resurrection power of Emmaus
經文:路加福音Luke 24:13-35
April 05, 2020
榮耀的王將要進來 The King of Glory is coming in
經文:馬可福音Mark 11:7-19
March 22, 2020
患難是進入神國前的祝福 Suffering is a blessing before entering the Kingdom of God
經文:使徒行傳Acts 14:22b
March 15, 2020
從疫情中得著益處 Benefit from the outbreak
經文:羅馬書Rom 8:28
March 08, 2020
動盪中的保障 The safeguard in today’s turbulent
經文:約翰福音John 13:1b
March 01, 2020
活在末世的策略 Strategy for living in the last days
經文:以賽亞書Isa 56:7
February 23, 2020
神在末世中對你的呼召Your calling from God in the End Time
經文:馬太福音Matthew 21:13
February 16, 2020
你擁有神獨特而專注的愛情 You have an unique and focused love from God
經文:耶利米書 Jer 2:1-2
February 09, 2020
脫離惡果,重回正路 Get rid of the bad result and return to the right path
經文:路加福音 Luke 15:22-24
February 02, 2020
門徒的教會 Disciple Church
經文:馬可福音 Mark 8:34-38
January 26, 2020
成為榮耀的教會 Be a glorious church
經文:以弗所書 Ephesians 3:21
January 19, 2020
基督回來前你最重要要做的事 Your most important thing to do before Christ returns
經文:馬可福音 Mark 13:33-37
January 12, 2020
預備迎接新郎 Get ready to meet the bridegroom
經文:馬太福音 Mat 25:1-4
January 05, 2020
進入神愛的世界 Enter the world of God’s love
經文:何西阿書 Hos 2:19-20
December 29, 2019
你是神所愛的 You are loved by God
經文:啟示錄 Rev 19:7-9
December 22, 2019
給祂起名叫耶穌 To give Him the name Jesus
經文:馬太福音 Matthew 1:21
December 15, 2019
預備自己活在先知性中 Prepare yourself to live in prophecy
經文:哥林多前書 1Cor 14:1
December 08, 2019
神樂意向我們啟示 God is willing to reveal to us
經文:哥林多前書 1Cor 14:1
November 24, 2019
恩上加恩 One blessing after another
經文:帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thess 5:16-18
November 17, 2019
得勝已經開始了 (4) Victory has begun (4)
經文:加拉太書 Gal 3:13
November 10, 2019
得勝已經開始了 (3) Victory has begun (3)
經文:猶大書 Jude 1:20
November 03, 2019
得勝已經開始了 (2) Victory has begun (2)
經文:撒母耳記上 1Sam 17:47
October 27, 2019
得勝已經開始了 (1) Victory has begun (1)
經文:以弗所書 Eph 6:12
October 20, 2019
走入神心意中 Going into the heart of God
經文:馬可福音 Mark 12:28-31
October 13, 2019
知道你這時刻該做什麼Know what you should do at this moment
經文:傳道書 Eccl 3:1
October 06, 2019
5780,新的季節要開始 5780, the new season to start
經文:阿摩司書 Amos 3:8
September 08, 2019
做一個非凡的敬拜者 Be an extraordinary worshiper
經文:使徒行傳 Acts 1: 8
September 01, 2019
地與天堂交匯的時刻 The interfering moment between heaven and earth
經文:約翰福音 John 4: 5-29
August 25, 2019
敬拜有翻轉環境的能力 Worship delivers the power to change the environment
經文:約翰福音 John 4:24
August 18, 2019
恢復伊甸園裡的敬拜 Restoring the worship in the Garden of Eden
經文:約翰福音 John 4:23
August 11, 2019
在敬拜中進入祝福的循環 Entering the cycle of blessings in worship
經文:約翰福音 John 4:20-23
August 04, 2019
衝破困擾你的壓抑 Break through the depression that bothers you
經文:創世記 Gen 50:19-21
July 28, 2019
注意金牛犢在你人生中的出現 Pay attention to the appearance of the golden calf in your life
經文:出 Exod 32:1-5
July 21, 2019
主對你的一個邀請 An invitation from Lord to you
經文:太 Matt 26:38-41
July 14, 2019
面對動盪世局的三部曲 Three steps help us to face the turbulent environment
經文:詩篇 Ps 24:9-10
July 07, 2019
拒絕謊言,進入命定(二) Refuse the lies and enter the destiny (2)
經文:約翰福音 John 8:44b
June 30, 2019
拒絕謊言,進入命定(一) Refuse the lies and enter the destiny (1)
經文:約翰福音 John 8:44b
June 23, 2019
拒絕妥協、進入復興 Refuse to compromise and enter revival
經文:出埃及記 Exod 3:18
June 16, 2019
經文:以西結書 Ezek 44:17-18
May 26, 2019
排好你進入榮耀的優先次序Arrange your priorities for entering in glory
經文:撒母耳記下2 Sam 8:6, 14
May 19, 2019
恢復原有神給你的榮耀 Restore the glory which God gave you originally
經文:出埃及記Exod 33:13,18
May 12, 2019
栽培傑出兒女的母親 Mother who cultivates outstanding children
May 05, 2019
更多榮耀 More the Glory
經文:出埃及記 Exod 33:11-18
April 28, 2019
傳福音的動力 The momentum of Evangelism
經文:羅馬書Rom 10:17
April 21, 2019
從耶穌的復活找回失去的喜樂 Restore the lost joy from the resurrection of Jesus
經文:路加福音Luke 24:1-8
April 14, 2019
提升眼光 得到豐收 Improve your vision to get a good harvest
經文:以弗所書Eph 4:11-12
April 07, 2019
你有想不到的大能 You have the power which you can't think of
經文:馬太福音 Matthew 18:18-20
March 31, 2019
專注在對的事上 Focus on the right thing
經文:馬太福音 Matthew 18:18-20
March 24, 2019
作金錢好管家 To Be a Good Steward of Wealth
經文:瑪拉基書 3章10節
March 17, 2019
你有大能得勝的鑰匙 You have the powerful key to victory
經文:太 Mat 16:15-19
March 10, 2019
豐收的人生 To have a harvest life
經文:路加福音 Luke 17:21
March 03, 2019
神要建造的教會 The Church God wants to build
馬太福音 Mat 16:13-19
February 24, 2019
教會是要帶下神的國 Church is to bring the kingdom of God
羅馬書 Rom 12:1-2
February 17, 2019
改變自己進入神心意 Change yourself to go into God's Will
February 10, 2019
等候神的光照 Longing for the light of God shine on us
February 03, 2019
你需要充電 You need to re-charge
January 20, 2019
如何得著雙倍恩膏How to get the double anointing
January 13, 2019
經文:列王紀下2 King 2:1-14
January 06, 2019
恩膏是從信靠和順服神的話而來 The anointing is from trust and obedience to the Word of God
經文:列王紀下2 King 2:1-14
December 30, 2018
領受雙倍恩膏,進入新世代!Receive a double portion of anointing and enter into a new era!
經文:列王紀下2 King 2:1-14
December 23, 2018
進入成功的領域 Enter the field of success
經文:撒母耳記下2 Sam 5:6-8
December 16, 2018
把握神放在你生命中的機會 Catch the opportunities which God put in your life
經文:撒母耳記上1 Sam 10:7
December 09, 2018
遵行神的話直到天窗為你而開 Obey the Word of God until the heavens open for you!
經文:申命記 Deut 6:4-9
November 18, 2018
神對我們每個人的應許是全然得勝!God’s promise to each of us is a complete victory!
經文:列王紀下2 King 13:14-19
November 11, 2018
屬神的教會要興起 The church of God is rising up
創世紀 Gen 28:10-17
November 04, 2018
你是神國的大使 You are the ambassador of the Kingdom of God
約翰福音John 14:12
October 28, 2018
走入神的心意中 Walk into the mind of God
以西結書 Ezek 47:1-12
October 21, 2018
神所要的教會 The church God wants
羅馬書 Rom 14:17
October 14, 2018
神要賜福給你 God wants to bless you
創世記 Gen 1:28
October 07, 2018
走入安息的祝福中 Walk into the blessing of Sabbath
September 30, 2018
認識你的人生 Knowing your life
詩篇 Psm 90:2
September 23, 2018
住棚節 ─ 神生命湧流的日子 SUKKOT ─ The day that God's life flows
利未記 23:33-44
September 16, 2018
贖罪日的恩典 The grace from Yom Kippur
利未記 23:26-32
September 09, 2018
吹角節-預備自己迎接君王 Yom Teruah - Prepare yourself to meet the King
利未記 23:23-25
September 02, 2018
築壇的步驟(二) Steps of building your altar (B)
民數記 Num 16:46-48
August 26, 2018
築壇的步驟(一) Steps of building your altar (A)
創世紀 Gen 8:20-9:1
August 19, 2018
先有壇才有殿 Altar First, Then Temple
August 12, 2018
與神同行的教會 A “walk with God” church
1. 真實信仰的試驗 Test of true belief
2. 腳踏實地的跟隨神 Truly following God
August 05, 2018
「道成肉身」的教會 “The Word became flesh” church
July 22, 2018
得勝就在不遠處 Victory is not far away
July 15, 2018
抓住契機改變現狀 Seize the opportunity to change the status quo
July 08, 2018
教會的合一 The Unity of the Church
經文:以弗所書 Eph 4:1-3
July 01, 2018
屬靈爭戰中的屬靈權柄 Spiritual Authority in Spiritual Warfare
經文:使徒行傳 Acts 19:11-17
June 24, 2018
看見榮耀 See Your Glory
經文:歷代志下 2 Chronicles 3:1
June 17, 2018
在末世中神給你的利劍 The arrows that God gave you in the last days
經文:瑪拉基書 Mal 4:5-6
June 10, 2018
預備神的居所 Prepare the sanctuary for God
經文:出埃及記 Exod 25:8
June 03, 2018
運用你的權柄 Exercise your Authority
經文:馬太福音 Matt 16:19
May 20, 2018
天門打開的日子 The gate of heaven is opened in these days
經文:出埃及記 Exod 23:15-17
May 13, 2018
成功不會是偶然的 Success is not accidental
經文:申命記 Deut 6:1-25
May 06, 2018
你預備好了嗎?Are you ready?
經文:以賽亞書 Isa 41:10
April 29, 2018
Faith for the Fight
經文:撒母耳記下 2 Samuel 5:17-25
April 22, 2018
奉獻的操練 Practicing your offering
經文:歷代志上 1 Chr 29:1b 『因這殿不是為人,乃是為耶和華神建造的。』
April 15, 2018
同心建造神的殿 Building the temple of God with one heart
經文:歷代志上 1 Chr 29:1b
April 08, 2018
留在復興中 Stay in revival
經文:申命記 Deut 23:14
April 01, 2018
復活的生命帶給我們怎樣的幫助?How does the life of resurrection help us?
March 25, 2018
從孤兒到兒子 From Orphan to Son
經文:羅馬書 Romans 8:15-16
March 18, 2018
尊榮與謙卑 Honor and Humility
經文:箴言 Prov 18:12
March 11, 2018
尊榮文化可讓你超越自己 Honor allows you to surpass yourself
經文:哥林多前書 1 Cor 12:23-24
March 04, 2018
活在尊榮生活中 Live in a honor life
經文:利未記 Lev 20:26
February 25, 2018
行在聖潔中 Walk in the holiness
經文:利未記 Lev 20:26
February 18, 2018
進入安息的祝福中 Into the blessing of Sabbath
經文:創世記 Gen 2:2-3
January 14, 2018
擴張你帳幕之地 Enlarge the place of your tent
經文:以賽亞書Isa 54:1-3
January 07, 2018
神聖的不滿足──向左向右開展 Holy Discontent── Expand yourself beyond your limitations
經文:以賽亞書Isa 54:2-3
December 31, 2017
神呼召你成為得勝者 God calls you as an overcomer
經文:啟示錄Rev 3:21
December 24, 2017
為什麼慶祝聖誕節? Why do we celebrate Christmas?
經文:路加福音 Luke 2:10-11
December 17, 2017
你對教會很重要,教會對你也很重要 You are important to the church, and the church is also important to you too
經文:以弗所書 Eph 3:18
December 10, 2017
跟隨羊群的脚踪去 Follow the tracks of the sheep
經文:雅歌 Song of Songs 1:5-8
December 03, 2017
擁有一個新心 Having a new heart
經文:以西結書 Ezek 36:26
November 19, 2017
常常喜樂的祕訣 The secret of being joy always
經文:帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
November 12, 2017
November 05, 2017
抓住走入神心意的機會 Seize the opportunity o walk in God’s way
經文:哈該書Hag 1:7-9
1. 接受從神來的光照 Accept the light from God to shine on you
2. 用神的材料來建造 Built with the material of God
3. 以神的心取代人的心 Replace your way with God’s way
October 29, 2017
趕出懼怕的靈 Casting out the spirit of fear
經文:使徒行傳Acts 7:56
1. 建立堅強的生命──司提反 Building up a strong life ── Stephen
2. 平時就裝備自己──腓利 Equipping yourself always ── Philip
3. 絕對信任神的帶領──亞拿尼亞 Absolutely trusting God's lead ── Ananias
October 22, 2017
神喜悅的教會 The church pleases God
經文:以弗所書 Eph 4:11-13
1. 聖靈直接掌權 Holy Spirit has authority
2. 每一個聖徒都動手參與 Every saint is hands-on
3. 教會的根基就是耶穌基督 Christ is the foundation of church
October 08, 2017
住棚節─進入豐富 Feast of Tabernacles ── Enter to abundance
經文:利未記Lav 23:33-44
1. 享受安息 Enjoy the rest
2. 喜樂的節期The Feast of joy
3. 屬主的就被收藏 For those belong to God will be collected
October 01, 2017
贖罪日 — 恢復的日子 Yom Kippur — The day of restoration
經文:利未記 Lav 16:29-31
September 24, 2017
可畏之日—尋求神的時刻 The Days of Awe–The time to seek God
經文:西番亞書 Zeph 1:14-16
1. 讚美神並且讀祂的話語 Praise God and read His Words
2. 顯明生命中破壞性的循環 Reveal the destructive cycle in your life
3. 省察生命中的罪 Exam the sin in your life
September 17, 2017
吹角節 — 甦醒的呼喚 Rosh Hashana -The call of waking up
經文:利未記 Lev 23:24-25
起床號 Wake up call
新的思維 New thinking way
基督再來的審判 The trial of Christ's second coming
September 10, 2017
為什麼要為以色列禱告? (4) Why do we pray for Israel? Part 4
September 03, 2017
上帝的聲音 The voice from God
August 20, 2017
為甚麼要為以色列禱告?(3) Why do we pray for Israel? Part 3
經文:以弗所書 Eph 1:9-10
耶路撒冷──神救贖世界計劃的焦點 Jerusalem ── The focus of the redemption plan of God about the world
耶路撒冷──撒但憤恨的焦點 Jerusalem ── The focus of Satan's resentment
教會──神末日拯救以色列的策略 Church ── God 's strategy to save Israel at the end
August 13, 2017
為甚麼要為以色列禱告?(2) Why do we pray for Israel? 以色列的命定和身份 The declaration and identity of Israel Part 2
經文:以賽亞書 Isa 62:6-7
這是神給我們的命令 This is God's command to us
神對錫安的火熱 God is very jealous for Zion
為以色列祝福的,神必賜福與他 God will bless those who bless Israel
August 06, 2017
為甚麼要為以色列禱告(1) ?Why do we pray for Israel? 以色列的命定和身份 The declaration and identity of Israel Part I
經文:創世記 Gen 17:7
Israel is the chosen ones of God, and is the people of God who have made a covenant with them -
Israel is the son of God, and also is the firstborn son -
The land of Israel is given by God personally -
The presence of Israel is for the will of God -
The presence of Israel is to revealing God
July 30, 2017
成為基督的新婦戰士 Be the bride and warrior of Christ
經文:馬可福音 Mark 12:28-31
我們是基督的新婦 We are the bride of Christ
我們是基督的戰士 We are the warrior of Christ
July 23, 2017
吹角的意義(2) The meanings of blowing shofar(2)
經文:利未記 Lev 23:23-25
神與人相遇 God meet with you at the set time
迎接神的同在 Receive the presence of God
我們是聖潔的國民 We are the Holy Nation
July 16, 2017
吹角的意義(1) The meanings of blowing shofar(1)
經文:創世記 Gen 22:9-13
公羊角 Ram horn
耶和華軍隊的元帥 The commander of the army of the LORD
在角聲中神為我們爭戰God will fight for us in the sound of shofar
July 09, 2017
進入一個新的階段 Into a new stage
經文:路加福音 Luke 5:36-38
新衣服新皮袋的心態 Mentality of new garment and new wineskins
重建彼此的關係 Rebuild the relationship with each other
重建與神的關係 Rebuild the relationship with God
June 25, 2017
June 18, 2017
你留下甚麼給孩子 What do you leave to the children?
經文:約伯記 Job 1:1-5
成為敬畏神的父母 Be a parents who fear of God
引導他們自己去經歷神 Guide them to experience God by themselves
你要為你兒女的靈性光景來負責 You will be responsible for the Spiritual situation of your children
June 11, 2017
正在施工中 Under construction.
經文:以弗所書 Eph 5:25-27
1. 執著的使命感 Persistent sense of mission
2. 使命必達的委身Fully committed to the mission
3. 深信神的恩典 Deeply believe in the grace of God
June 04, 2017
成為主的門徒 Become the disciple of the Lord
經文:馬太福音 Matthew 28:19-20
May 28, 2017
恢復對神的敬畏 Restore the fear to God
經文:馬太福音 Matt 3:7-10
May 10, 2020
認識你的價值 Know your value
箴 31:10-31
才德婦人的生命 The life of a noble wife
才德婦人的養成 How to be a noble wife
誰是才德的婦人Who is the noble wife
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